The Manhattan Adult ADD Support Group has provided adults with ADD/ADHD in the New York Metro area with support, information, resources & a sense of community since 1992.
Our Next Lecture:
The Manhattan Adult ADD Support Group Is Pleased To Present The Following Lecture On Tuesday, February 25 , 2025 at 6:00 PM (NYC Time) on Zoom:
Mastering The Art Of Completion: Break The Exhausting Cycle
Of Feeling Overworked & Overwhelmed To Follow Though & Finish
W/ Lynne Edris, ACG Productivity & ADHD coach
A kickoff ... a progression ... and a wrap: a successful project in a nutshell?
Alas, some of us have trouble at either end (not to mention the middle).
ADHD strikes again? And, if so, is this something we can mitigate? Or -- to hear some tell it -- put to use?
Meanwhile, what about the less-than-stellar work habits we may have picked up over the years? Would retraining make sense, even at this late date?
This month, we'll be joined by someone who has grappled with these issues for nearly two decades.
Lynne Edris studied psychology, and then passed the honors program offered by the ADD Coach Academy. ADDCA is accredited by the International Coach Federation, the governing body of the coaching profession.
Busy with her clients, Lynne still finds the time to co-host the ADHD Support Talk podcast. This long-running interview program is geared exclusively to adults with ADHD.
Elsewhere, follow her on X, via @ADHD_Coach_Lynn; on Instagram, via (@lynne_edris); and on YouTube, via @LynneEdris.
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Subject line - Subscribe.
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Are you a provider, or service professional, and would like to make a presentation to our group?? Please E mail us at, & we'll forward your request to Paul, who handles co-ordination of speakers, topics, and programs.
#ADD #ADHD #AttentionDeficitDisorder #AttentionDeficitHperactivityDisorder #TheManhattanAdultADDSupportGroup #MentalHealth #Anxiety #ADHDAwareness #SelfCare #NeuroDivergent #ADHDLife #MentalHealthAwareness #NeuroDiversity #ADHDSupport #NYC #NewYorkCity #BrooklynBridge #Manhattan #TimesSquare #WallStreet #TheEmpireStateBuilding #Broadway #FifthAve #FashionAve #Queens #TheBronx #Soho #TheHighLine #BreakingTheStigma